Regional In/Security: Redefining Threats and Responses

This proceedings includes revised papers submitted to the international conference on “Regional In/security: Redefining Threats and Responses” organized by the International Relations Department of Ankara University, in cooperation with NATO Public Diplomacy Division and International Relations Council of Turkey. In the post-Cold War world, with the renewed focus on the dilemmas of regional security, analysis at the regional level gained prominence in studying contemporary security affairs. The regional focus of the conference was on the Wider Europe and Black Sea as well as the Broader Middle East. Regional security issues in this region constitute the main topic of this book, which includes seventeen papers in total. Papers in the book are organised into four parts: “New/Old Sources of Regional and Global In/Security”, “Security and Cooperation in Wider Europe”, “Security Problems in the Broader Middle East”, and “Providing Security: New Responses, Old Actors”.