Call for papers: ISA Annual Convention

ISA Annual Convention, San Francisco April 3-6, 2013 Turkey’s Transformation from a ‘National Security’ State to a ‘Trading’ State: Transmission of Norms and Ideas As a cooperating institution, the International Relations Council of Turkey (IRCT - Uluslararasi Iliskiler Konseyi Dernegi) was allocated a panel by the Organizing Committee for the ISA (International Studies Association) Annual Convention in San Francisco, 3-6 April 2013. The overall theme of the Convention is “the Politics of International Diffusion: Regional and Global Dimensions”. In this context, we would like to invite the members of IRCT to submit paper proposals for IRCT panel on “Turkey’s Transformation from a ‘National Security’ State to a ‘Trading’ State: Transmission of Norms and Ideas”. We welcome paper proposals that address the role of the transmission of global/regional norms, institutions, regimes, trends and ideas on the following themes: • Spreading of democratic ideals around the world and domestic context of Turkish foreign policy • Global economic dynamics and economy-politic of Turkish foreign policy • The changing role of Turkish military in foreign-policy making • Europeanization/EU impact on Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy • Changing conceptualization of security and Turkey’s security culture • Impact of global geo-political dynamics on Turkey’s regional policy These are suggestive titles that can be complemented with other topics on Turkish domestic politics and foreign policy. Please note that this panel will be accommodating 5-6 papers and 1-2 discussants. Potential paper-givers are not limited to IRCT members; instead we would like to compose a panel of scholars from different academic and geographical backgrounds. If you would like to submit a paper, please send your abstract (not more than 300 words) to [email protected] by May 21st, 2012 at the latest. If your paper is accepted you will be asked to register to MyISA account. The registration fee is 120 USD for members, and 220 USD for non-members.Moreover, since this panel is not sponsored financially, the participants will be responsible for their travel and accommodation costs. As a participant, you will be entitled to apply for ISA travel grant, as well as TUBITAK’s grant for participation to international conferences as paper-givers, alongside your institution’s travel support schemes. For more information on ISA Annual Convention-2013 in San Francisco at